The Future, 2024 & Beyond
It’s taken me many years to get to this point, from a dedicated businessman 10 years ago a serious of personal issues knocked me down. I’ve continued to pick myself up but the last few years have been incredibly hard. Everything I worked for disappeared, a lot of soul searching and more than a few sessions of therapy have enabled me to finally get to a place where the future is becoming clearer each day and at the ripe old age of 52 it’s time to get off my behind and start getting these business ideas off the ground. You’ll find me incredibly honest about my mental health struggles, I am not ashamed and in fact I’m quite proud of them and will be happy to talk openly about my past struggles. I feel all of this puts me in an ideal position to help and assist others who may had a similar journey.
So the future looks bright and the next 12 months will be spent getting this business off the ground. I have many ideas and in the past I’ve been great at not getting any of them of the ground, call it lack of confidence call it procrastination it’s simply down to not being ready, my mind and body were not in the right place.
My plan is that by the end of 2024 I’ll have launched Stuart Ashley PA (SAPA), a nice gentle launch with no pressure, as part of this business I plan to do something I’ve never considered before but I think there’s a real need for it.
The future, are you ready for this?
I am toying with the idea of launching a physical Dating Agency, the idea started as a bit of a joke with a friend who’s on the usual dating apps. I know some may see this as a step back but I really think people are fed up with current offerings and want something real. Personally I’ve always hated the idea of being presented with a screen full of people, fake profiles and filtered photos make for a horrible experience.
So lets go back to basics and get people out and about and meeting face to face.
This is really an idea that’s in it’s infancy and throughout I’ll be detailing my journey from initial concept to business launch, all the steps in-between and the ups and downs of business start up and beyond.
For me the planning stage of business setup has always been the best part of the process, it’s a chance to be creative and really gets the brain working, the key is research and then even more research, this is the point at which brutal honesty is vital, is this really feasible? Can this make money or is it just a pipe dream. Don’t mortgage your house or blow your savings on an idea that just isn’t viable.
I have many ideas that span different sectors, over the next 12-24 months I’ll explore more of these and explain my reasons for proceeding and the reasons I’ve kicked some into touch!
So hopefully you’ll stay with me and enjoy my open and honest writing and no bullshit approach to life both personally and professionally.
Stuart Ashley PA
Well I'm here and you're here, not the future but the present, lots of plans for the going forward, keep your eyes peeled.
Dating Agency
Early days and no idea of name or logo or anything really, but we all hate the dating apps so this will be a physical agency for those looking for love. I haven’t even started the research yet as the focus is on Stuart Ashley PA.
Unnamed Project
A retail-based enterprise, I love the thrill of selling that first item and even though retail is much harder these days I'd love to set up some form of retail outlet with either a physical location or online (or both).
Unnamed Project
A service-based business, even with the rise of AI I don't believe real life person to person interaction can be replaced. No ideas on this as yet but hopefully it's something for the future.